
Pete Simpson


Pete Simpson

Pete Simpson is the Co-Owner of Terralab, serving as the head of business development and firm strategy, and managing several projects. Over the last 16 years, Pete has worked primarily in the private-practice landscape architecture and planning realm. He has led the designs of a broad range of projects locally, throughout the greater Houston area, as well as nationally and internationally. Projects have varied from waterway and wetland rehabilitation, to public and private parks and trails, master-planned communities, and commercial building spaces. He uses design as a way to reconnect with nature and inspire human interaction. 

His inspiration for work has always been water: how it moves through the landscape, how it is conserved, and utilized. He often uses topography and grade change as a powerful design tool. He loves water so much that he and a friend finished the MR340 paddling race on the Missouri River in 2012! In addition to paddling, Pete enjoys fishing, vegetable gardening, and constant tinkering on his home landscape. Pete attended Kansas State University, where he graduated with a Bachelor of Landscape Architecture Degree. He is licensed in the State of Texas.